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  1. Past hour
  2. Answering my own question for future readers. Yes, purchasing a Composer HE license after April 23, 2024, still renews 4Sight for an extra year for accounts activated prior to the mandatory connect subscription for accounts after this date.
  3. Yesterday
  4. Very helpful after 3 years
  5. Given your description, you're right to consider the direct HDMI 2.1 connection from the PS5 to your LG C9 to ensure you get the highest quality video output, as this bypasses the HDMI 2.1 limitations of both receivers.
  6. a dealer needs to update you. Happy to help; message me if interested
  7. same issue. seems im still on 3.4.0 any idea how to force my system to upgrade to 3.4.2?
  8. Last week
  9. https://drivercentral.io/?match=all&subcats=Y&pcode_from_q=Y&pshort=Y&pfull=Y&pname=Y&pkeywords=Y&search_performed=Y&q=calendar&dispatch=products.search&security_hash=0897ec814143814d0613346cf42b13fe
  10. Is there an agent that manages a calendar to mark events and birthdays visible from apps and touch? I have a client who asks me this.
  11. 考试不合格被加州大学开除自救指南【telegram∶@SEP887】黑客改成绩,改gpa,学分GPA太低 被学业警告 面临被退学/无法毕业等问题 可详谈 快速办理,质量保证。(如已删除请点击快照查看) 出国留学,不仅要忍受异乡的孤独生活,还要努力适应国外的教学模式,因为国外大学上课时间不长,大部分的任务都需要在课外完成,很多不适应的学生而挂了科,一旦挂科,你将要面临残酷的现实,或者重修,或者不能拿到毕业证,那么美国留学生挂科了怎么办? 专业解决海外学校开除/GPA低/i20失效/身份恢复/作弊被抓/成绩造假/论文抄袭/考试作弊/作业剽窃【telegram∶@SEP887】帮你解决问题 大家有没有想过,我们找教务处的主任改成绩,跟网上找人改成绩同样的道理,当所有的付出都被忽视时,当你做着自己并不喜欢的事情的时候,这是一种无法言喻的心情。我不会灰心丧气。我会检视自己的付出方式和方法,做着自己并不喜欢的事情时,我会告诉自己要坚持下去。我知道,人生并非尽如人意,总会遇到一些不如意的事情。但是,我相信每一次的经历都是一种锻炼和成长。我坚信自己的价值和能力,我想要证明自己。 【telegram∶@SEP887】帮你解决问题 1. 按照联系方式联络我们 2. 上报相关信息,等待我们确认系统是否在我 们的技术范畴内 3. 确认信息以及合作意向,谈妥费用 4. 更改成绩(这个过程需要一定的时间周期, 为了公平,先来先改) 办理挂科/留级/学业警告/成绩提高等。真实成绩修改。 【telegram∶@SEP887】帮你解决问题 如果同学们的确希望能够更改自己的成绩,请按照联系方式联系我们,并在确认能够更改的情况下,提供相应的资料,以合作的态度,获得双赢的结果,一次偶然间翻开旧照,我才想起曾经逗逼的你。那时的 天空还很蓝,我们总是充满激情地追逐梦想。不禁让我回想起我们一起经历的那段时光。毕业遥遥无期,这是你曾经挂科留级的结果。回想起那段日子,你总是抱怨学习的繁琐和艰辛。但我却看到了你努力奋斗的一面。虽然你常常感到难过,但你从未放弃,一直在努力追赶前方的脚步 专业服务快速办理,质量保证。黑客改成绩/挂科改成绩/GPA提高。telegram∶@SEP887 教务管理系统平台就像是你的搬家平台,它利用互联网B/S管理系统模式,为学校的教务系统提供一个统一的平台。就像搬家平台帮助你管理搬家流程一样,教务管理系统平台帮助学校管理教务系统,实现教务教学的管理。它节省了人力和资源浪费,同时也可以根据学校的需求进行定制,符合学校的实际情况。数据库和教务管理系统平台都扮演着重要角色,它们提供了一个有组织的、高效的方式来存储和管理数据,帮助我们完成各种任务。 数据库就像是你的新房子,它是一个按照特定结构来存储和管理数据的仓库。它提供了一个有组织的空间,可以存放你的数据。而你要搬家的过程,就像是你要修改成绩数据的过程。不论你是使用SQL还是其他方式,你都要面对数据库。无论你是搬运工还是雇佣搬家公司,最终目的都是把物品搬到新的房子里。 提供专业的GPA修改服务,主营国外成绩修改,学术缓刑劝退等面临开除等因成绩学术危机的学生群体。请第一时间内【telegram∶@SEP887】联系!
  12. Thanks for your input. I’m a bit cautious on this. I’m going to take another look at the Yale lock.
  13. I much prefer the Touch- -Agreed the Halo is too tall- Halo touch much easier to hold -I don't use hard number keys at all -I like the ability to easily control other devices in the room (light scenes, shades, music, etc) using favorites -I would prefer if they would allow a configuration on the Touch settings to have the favorites screen be the "Home" screen without having to press the "Home" soft button.
  14. Hi, All, i have an HC-800 and a luma ip camera set up for my driveway (I believe it’s the Luma 700 series). I’ve had line crossing detection set up on that camera, and configured in C4 to send a snapshot when the line crossing is triggerd. For years, it’s worked flawlessly, but all of a sudden it has stopped working, and I didn’t touch anything. Upon investigation, i think the issue is with the Luma system (either the camera itself or the luma nvr it is connected to). The reason I believe that is because when I checked the logs it’s not even registering any line crossing events in the luma system/on that camera when it should be triggered. I’ve tried restarting the NVR and the camera, and I’ve even deleted and re-established the line crossing setup on the camera. Nothing seems to work, and I have no idea why. In the past, if something like this has ever happened (which was rare), I simply rebooted the camera or NVR. Has anyone else run into this issue before and/or have any suggestions on how to fix it? The camera still shows the image/feed properly, so I’m just not sure the issue. As a side note, I also can’t seem to get the live feed to show in the c4 app anymore. It only shows snapshots. It never used to be that way, and again I didn’t change anything. The c4 app on my phone updated, but that’s it. Anybody have any suggestions? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! Steven
  15. RATGDO is the same as your directly connected I/O module but provides more information. No cloud control. Its a serial connection for your garage door and provides status as well as control of the door. It does not rely on a hacked API connection to work.
  16. Wow! Primo work isolating that issue. o7
  17. I haven’t used the touch, but I have 2 regular Halos and absolutely love them. The color screen is an order of magnitude improvement over the SR, the feel of the remote is as good or better, and ours have both worked flawlessly. I’ve had 1 for probably close to a year now and the screen is still going strong!
  18. I like the hard button Watch/Listen on the Halo, which seems be lost on the Touch. I find the Halo touch OS blah. Yes I use it, when the Halo or Neeo are dead
  19. I like the Halo Touch for several reasons. The regular Halo reminds me of those super long RTI remotes. For me, they are too long to comfortably hold and use. But that's just a personal thing.
  20. Wondering what everyone's thoughts are on Halo vs Halo touch now that the worst of the issues seem to be behind us. I have a halo touch but I definitely see the appeal of the Halo
  21. you don't need to make any changes to your Control4 system to enjoy improved sound quality.
  22. We pride ourselves in being the largest and best driver developer. As such support is important to us. Chowmain provides 19 hours of technical support via phone, chat and ticket a day (mon - fri) manned by a team of 6. We want to ensure our customers are happy with the driver before they commit so we provide a 90 day trial. This 90 days is plenty to get a understanding of if the driver is right to you. I know you have a solution now so this driver probably isn't for you however you should reach out to the MyQ driver developer in regards to your grievances. I am not sure if they can provide you with a refund or not but might be worth a shot.
  23. Sounds like a nice driver but after getting SCREWED with the dropped driver support of MyQ after paying money for it I am not so inclined. The I/O module that I already had and now hard wired to my garage door was free, not cloud based, works 100% of the time and don't have to worry about getting dropped. Ok, just bitter from the bad experience :<
  24. Can be wireless. Helps if on same subnet.
  25. Does the AppleTv's need to be hardwired or can they be wireless?
  26. You could also do it with the driver you have screen shot as follows: - change the countdown in the properties from “1” in your screenshot to 10. - add programming when drivers countdown variable changes to 0, start timer XXX - create a timer xxx which is 10 minutes long. - when timer expires set the driver you screenshotted to 10 minutes using the device specific command in the driver. This will give you single click is on (manual), double click is on auto and will show the 10 on the icon to let you know this. Any click on the experience button while auto or manual has been on for more than 10 seconds will turn it off. Using this method, you won’t be able to stop the auto run during the 10 minutes off unless you either add another button (which stops the timer) or turn the fountain on (manual mode) and off again. If you choose the latter then you will also need a stop timer command under the driver specific event “on”.
  27. This is a snippet from konnecteds FAQ on their BlaQ product page Why choose Konnected’s GDO blaQ instead of ratgdo? ratgdo (Rage Against the Garage Door Opener) is the open source project that inspired and powers the Konnected’s GDO blaQ. It’s a DIY control board and software that pioneered the direct serial connection to the encrypted Security+ openers. We’ve taken the concept and technology in ratgdo and made it into a finished product, suitable for installation in any home, and compliant with regulations in the United States. We’ve added safety features like an audible and visual warning, a sleek plastic enclosure, integrations with a variety of smart home platforms, 7-days per week support and a 1-year warranty. Yes, the GDO blaQ costs a few dollars more than a ratgdo board. We are not competing on price with the original ratgdo. We believe that the GDO blaQ justifies the higher price because of the additional compliance, safety, support and integration features
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