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Everything posted by Cyknight

  1. Oh the things I could buy today. No-one is arguing that that suck. But the same could be said for LOTS of in-wall doorstation options, In the last year alone I probably had a dozen DSMinis installed at houses that had some form of old intercom solution that was built into the wall. This is in fact why I don't advise doing in-wall installations for these things to begin with. In the end, you're beating a dead horse. The original DS is long overdue to be replaced, regardless of why exactly, it was a beast that needed to be taken down. Sad, sure. But that doesn't change the outcome.
  2. Or is liable to be sued for insider trading violations. But heya Wapp! Good to see you can still turn random facts and speculations into what you seem to believe is a coherent argument for something completely unrelated. You know, you'd do great on Ancient Aliens.
  3. Not in portrait mode, you' have to open the top bar, or go to landscape
  4. Cyknight

    WTB C4-16AMP3-B

    Yup, triad am = 1U, triad matrix = 1U. That's less space than the matrix amp (3U or 4U depending on that model is in there now and what you're using to mount it.
  5. Controllers should stay out of receivers... And while I like the idea of a Triad powered small format surround amp (for 'low level' surround zones) I just don't know if there's much of a market for it. Or I should say, if there's a real need for another brand of surround receivers.
  6. Yeah I'll give you the white. It's a blended white, so it's ALWAYS a paint to match that, sometimes even across a single LED strip it's impossible (which is the whole reason rgb + W exists in my opinion). I'll do some added testing here, see if I see anything similar. I'll be installing over 200 engraved buttons here shortly.....
  7. sorry yeah i meant fully customized. I DID see some color differences when using the auto settings, along with a 'matching' ambient light differences - light dimming on LED basically always means a color change, that's pretty much intrinsic. Did you try checking a bank using red backlighting, see if similar difference appear, or just blue?
  8. Agreed, DS2 is rock solid. Doorbird we've had mixed result with. Ring is fine standalone, but integration is so limited.
  9. Did you have it set to automatic lighting levels, or 'fully configurated'?
  10. Yes, the axxess can do it too - I've been using it for years. The trick is setting the sensitiviy in the sensor itself to your preference
  11. This really hasn't been an issue since the updated engraving in my experience
  12. No it's a bout Apple not allowing the level of access required for microsoft to have the ability to do it, nor provide an alternative themselves for the fairly numerous programs that rely on it. Funny thing ... wasn't Microsof in a ton of trouble for something like that once? Not at all. I have no animosity Apple as an overall company, and certainly not against there PCs, which are rock-solid.
  13. To add, it wouldn't be the panel, at worst a single module (8 channels or 'dimmers'). And as mentioned, reliability on these has so far proven to be very high.
  14. Talk to Apple about the missing crucial components required to run Composer
  15. Do yourself a favour and stay away (withing C4 or out). These are 100% you get what you pay for. Why not install a lighting panel then, 3 slot, with 3 8 channel dimmers....cleaner and cheaper.
  16. Yep sorry, missed that part. I find running it on bluestacks is so much nicer that I've been doing that for a few years on os 2 already anyway.
  17. I'd have to double check on that particular combination, in the end I usually manage things online in a manner of seconds. I've certainly done it with a WRK1 and APs though. We haven't been using them enough to be a 100% sure on all the details yet. In fact we're not even sure if it's the way to go yet (cost is undeniably on the higher side). Our previous WiFi option is now a non-option due to a change to a full subscription service (not a chance) so we're exploring new alternatives (including Pakedge and UBQT) In and of itself, Pakedge is in no way locked to Control4 or Control4 dealers. You can certainly get the gear, create your own account and set it up. If that also allows the added controls for C4 systems I don't know. I'm also not sure if you can have a device registered to more than one account, if not you might have to have a dealer create a limited use group in his own account (ie only access to your own system). Again, I cannot claim particular expertise in Pakedge and all of it's pros and cons, at least not yet - I was merely pointing out that the idea that 'each device is standalone vs a complete system' is inaccurate.
  18. Huh? You may want to have a closer look at how it works, because THAT particular statement is just plain incorrect. Pakedge allows setting all APs etc from the router (or online via BakPak, one of the easiest remote connection options), setting VLANs is all done from the router, unless you want to VLAN by port (in which case you set it up in the router, then assign which port on the switch is part of which VLAN via color coding). Not to mention it's ability to monitor for almost anything Control4, and many other devices as well, and built in tools for Control4 controllers and more. Pakedge offers an INCREDIBLY powerful tool for C4 systems. Now, whether or not it's really needed, or worth the price, are completely different discussions. If money is no concern (which it or course pretty much always is) Pakedge is a no-brainer for a Control4 system.
  19. your dealer of record can tell you if there's a license either applied or built-in on their side (it'll say licensed controller for a new enough device in their customer information, or show a license if you have one).
  20. A likely cause. I believe they're still in talks on it. There's a known issue there, though I'm not privy to the details as such. But it's not something commonly seen. Issue with using black-listed devices is that support will only help you so far as a dealer, because if there's a strong indication it's a network issue and you are using network devices known to cause issues....... It's a bit or a rotten situation, as ubqt has some pretty solid stuff at some pretty solid prices.
  21. chowmainsoft.com is the current website, but he was referencing to android boxes. MAG uses linux. I know of no drivers for them, and would be surprised if there's anything other than IR
  22. Simply put, no. Oh in some cases the ISP router may work, especially in smaller systems. But those are the exceptions.
  23. Straight forward question, answer not so much so. Yes, you still need a 'license' ascribed to your system to use the apps. That said, HC800/HC250 controllers at one point started getting that license built-in, so registering any of the ones that had it will automatically add a license to your account (as long as that controller stays registered. Controller that had that added end their model number as -bl1 EA controllers all have it. If you have an OLDER controller however, you may still need to add a license. Here's the catch though, they are no longer for sale, though a dealer CAN talk to his/her rep to obtain one if needed. Note that this change is by now years old, but you could technically be running an OS3 system on an HC800 without a license.
  24. Media - broadcast - cable or sat. That's where you add channels and icons. This is not something the system loads automatically. Dealers can create xml files to load, or you can do it manually (and pick and choose what channels you want fast access too)
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