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Everything posted by Amr

  1. That’s brilliant, I never played with Screen Saver on my T3’s, this can give me some great ideas!
  2. I have the serial driver for it, I also have an HDbaseT Blackbird and it’s fine with me, I have it hooked into a power recycling socket, which when the going gets tough (once every 3-4 months) I just power and it’s back to normal!
  3. It could be related to to another driver that is exhausting your controller resources and thus the sluggish performance of the Neeo. Can u list your project drivers? Do u by any chance have the ping driver installed? Old drivers not updated?
  4. You need OS 2.5.3 on an HC200, 300 or 500 to do this EN to ZP update, so u have 2 options, buy a used HC200 of eBay or u better off handed it to dealer or a friend have this setup to do it, nothing else will work!
  5. In my setup only the unlock will work as the lock itself will be normally closed and with the relay u just unlock it and manually close the door, it doesn’t report close status. Also make sure you are using the relay of the DS2 not the contact, u could still use the contact and program a timer to have it closed right after it’s open, normal locks will always report Open state not Closed. Use a door sensor to control the real “open” state of the door, this is my setup!
  6. Axxess Motion is very good as well, I use the 360 one and it’s super sharp!
  7. Yes with this driver, not fancy but will give you exactly what you want, OS3.x only https://drivercentral.io/platforms/control4-drivers/utility/pincodeprotect/
  8. You need 4Sight subscription for notifications to work, local alarm can be programmed as well to work with Axxess ZB Plug-in Chime for example. For AC off I use a tasmota flashed Sonoff but you can use anything else like Tp-Link to report going offline.
  9. Yep logs can show you pre-crash issues, otherwise and on a side note if you have a copy of the project before your code u may need to load that and see if it holds without reboot.
  10. May be IR codes need to be checked for not repeating, the default is 5 times that’s why u may have skipping!
  11. Oppos, he is in good hands then But from the post I read tons of issues: - No intercom on T4’s - Remote selection's not responding - All of his Zwave product's are not connected Apparently not the case!
  12. Yeah sure, it’s a taste thing, so meta data are stored outside Controller, I understood from you it’s on the NAS?
  13. While I understand the passion for browsing My Movies on C4 interface, the app is ancient and had tons of issues with C4, until you find the way! Lots of people have abandon it and moved to Zappiti, I understand the frustration of moving into a new system, but some also tried Plex and browsed contents and metadata outside C4 on the big screen which is a much preferred method!
  14. Who made the migration did a number of mistakes, I suspect an amateur or very unknowledgeable dealer, this is a bad migration, a forklift will not work, you need to plan it pre and post migration! They should first update EA from 2.10.x to 3.1 then to 3.3.1 to check if there are any issues with your drivers, devices, etc. then afterwards, another migration to Core 3. Why you say memory? How do you know that? Core can handle both ZB and ZW no issues at all, also who said all your ZW devices will work with Core?
  15. Yeah that’s cool as well, I also like the refresh navigator’s app, u just do it from any touch screen (as per your programming) very handy driver there is also the new driver that locks specific actions, I don’t like the interface but it’s something that should be released by C4 in the upcoming releases!
  16. Got it! Control4 Driver to programmatically change a T3 Touchscreen's currently active room! https://github.com/Leighm0/TouchscreenControl/releases/download/v1/TouchscreenControl.c4z
  17. Man … you are all over the place, in every single forum and double posting here and there! Go read the guide I pointed you to and you will fix it, it’s not rocket science!
  18. FYI the issue is being investigated by C4, they are decent enough to look at this matter although this is not break and fix rather a functionality thing! Kudos
  19. This is fantasy news, I will go for it now to test before this major update
  20. So that’s weird then, this has been excellent since OS2 days!
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