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Everything posted by c4toys

  1. Honestly this really depends on the experience/level of the technician.. Nothing is really out of the question, just maybe not with c4 related support! The list is just a guide if your looking for c4 to help support the network
  2. current selected device does not add the zone to the active session.. I used the room control driver to join the additional room, thus worked and gave volume control to the new session
  3. Hi All, I'm trying to add a room to an existing audio zone that is already playing(pandora, amazon music via hc800).. 1st I'm trying to get a custom button to work then I will setup a voice scene as well.. I have tried setting the current selected device to the "kitchen- current selected device" but the room does not turn on.. IF I turn the multiroom amp ON via programming-delay-then set source, it works but I have no volume control. Also c4 does not see the room as being active this way... I'm not able to figure out how to join 2 audio zones.. Tho as I type this I remember a room join driver of sorts... Your thought are appriated, Thanks
  4. just bind the light connection to the button you want to use(top/bottom/toggle). then make sure the keypad button to checked to follow connection. set your color for on/off.. now I have manual programming to change led to red if garage door is open, tricky part is when setting it back because of light on or off state.. Mine works great.. programming a kp to follow lighting scenes I use set current LED state when scene is invoked/ becomes active.. Hope this helps
  5. I'm think resolution is very low on the stream used by navigator on-screen.. I'm not familiar with amcrest driver but I'm pretty sure they are hikvision cameras(not relevant). I just imported some onvif camera to a hik dvr, had the exact same picture til I change the sub stream resolution.
  6. Gary, we all have a wish list for new functions, Im a dealer, I love mine.. It is my remote that follows me around the house.. the only thing I use the app for now is music browsing...
  7. This Flow is a Moen product? So any chance this driver will work with my U by Moen shower?
  8. more info, tv;s been changed? upstairs any balun installed? is the matrix cat5 out---- to tv balun at tv--- hdmi input or is there 2 balun for each tv switcher--hdmi---balun--cat5- balun- hdmi input... If 2 baluns I might question if they are HDbaseT or not.. Do the baluns have adjustment for the cable length(most do). You may just need to adjust it for a longer length.. that a start, not everyone is going to run you down the fix it path, I get quite a few jobs because everyone else wants to just replace everything
  9. I assume the one or more of the tv's have been changed. This is a common issue ( I have seen mostly with Samsung 4K tv unXXmu-series to current). You need to install a 2x1 HDMI splitter (1080p) behind the tv to dumb down the tv's edid's(resolution) from 4k.. the switcher is probably a B100-120 or B500-520 whjich is only 1080p..
  10. in the driver you can save preset thru driver action tab.. there is also a programming command to update color changes, when color was changed outside of c4
  11. I have it setup for a customer, where he says "alexa play relax playlist on the sound system". it turns on the kitchen speakers and plays his relax playlist from his amazon unlimited account. just one command, now I need to test grouping rooms together with voice controls.. next truck roll
  12. You can't do that with overlapping names. seems you should be able to make a alexa routine to do this, I would name each light with room name - pendant. then make a routine for each room/light.. I could be wrong
  13. Hik nvr use hyperlink for the camera connection.. use the hik camera driver and use the ip address of the nvr with the port starting at 65001=camera 1, 65002=camera 2, etc..
  14. I believe that's the rectifier and you would also use the dmx engine(red box solution) and driver both from Blackwire
  15. I assume it is meaning using lumilums controller vs. a dmx engine.. I had 1-100 sliders for RGB and a separate slider 1-100 for the strip brightness.. For a single strip only 1 rectifier was installed and no setup involved, plug and play
  16. yes you can dim all colors.. 4 individual sliders for color thru normal navigator menus or use the color wheel
  17. I have a project with lumilum and dmx driver.. I extended the runs in between ceiling trays with electrical OS cable 18/4.. total 155-160ft..
  18. is this old style tv static(black and white) or a bluish color static.. bluish static is caused by HDMI handshake issues, cable box are the worst for handshake issues
  19. Its just a controller, use 3rd party strips and power supply. Learns into a hue hub, then use the hue lamp drivers to control in C4
  20. how would you wire the power into the 2nd strip? Do you just add 12v/24v on the black wire without ground??
  21. I'm not 100% about this but I think this is the scenario for the room control driver.. So your issue would be that each streaming service driver works a little different then the next.. So with Pandora Yes, you can specify in programming to play in 1 room or all rooms.. With Amazon I would so no.. With Heos speakers I learned that you can start audio in a zone and program setting the all the other room audio end point that the first zones end point.. issue I found was that I could not program an unjoint from first end point
  22. sounds like the t3 is looking at the wrong stream (resolution) check the documentation for specific res. for t3 and set the camera appropriately.. I don't have a t3, so I;m not sure of its resolutions
  23. Why would you, once you select a source the transport for the source ie. DTV will have guide and DVR in that driver..
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